Thursday, June 17, 2004

40. Time to look for a job

I broke. I took William over to his grandmother's for 3 hours of uninterrupted time to work on my resume. I'm not sure I'll spend the whole time working on job hunting. I put him in the snuglie, and threw out the garbage. Then I thought I could go for a walk. Then I thought I could walk over to Abuela's, and drop him off. I think I need a break. After two and a half weeks, of 4 day weeks, I'm knackered. The next friend I have who has a baby I'm going to try and help out. I forgive Aida for dumping Natasia on us without warning.

I read some other blogs. I couldn't find anything exactly like mine, but they are all so personal, that's pretty unlikely. I want to look some more.

William seems to be a righty. He plays with his right hand more with the rattles hanging over his head. I call him "Sweet Boy" a lot. He's so wee.

He's got little gunk folds that accumulate gunk. On his neck, inbetween his fingers and toes. I'm getting better at keeping him clean. I have to clip his nails, he scratched his face some today.

He's been eating slow today, maybe out of comfort, or maybe because it's hot, though I had him in the room with the AC. When I took him out in the snugglie, he knocked out right away.

I felt sort of guilty and like a failure to drop him off at his grandmother's but just as quickly I thought I have a right. I forget what advanced European country, but they have a person who just goes from house to house giving parents a break during the day so they can get things done. Seems rather more enlightened than our children hating country. In Italy childcare is government subsidized 90%. In America it is subsidized 10%. Which country is more invested in it's children? If you're not producing widgets, what good are you? But I'd better polish my resume instead of rant about America's imperfections.

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