Tuesday, June 08, 2004

27. Fussy Boy

Today was William's most fussy day. He was harder to console, more so in the evening. Once again, I had a premature diaper change, and it was difficult to keep the waste in the diaper as it spilled out. Yummy.

My therapist told me about Winnicott's concept "primary maternal preoccupation". I'm reading the essay. Seems the mother of a newborn is obsessed, which is normal. I think he's the one that says baby and mother are one.

William has taken to hitting his mother. I think of Klein and her saying kids want to eat the mother's breast, eat the mother. I think I'm starting to get interested in therapy again, I need to start looking for a job. If I could only muster the energy.

My computer crashed, so I had the wrong date on it, and some of the posts are logged in incorrectly. Oh well.

We gave him a bath. I took photos and video taped it. I need to make another web page. Lots of things to do. I should sleep, though, because I'm tired and everyone is asleep.

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