Monday, August 17, 2009

Indy Indy Jones

Happy birthday AJ (9), Natasia (12) and Erin (1). We spent the weekend celebrating their birthdays.

We watched Raiders of the Lost Arc, and William calls him "Indy Indy Jones". I say "Indy Anna" and he says, "no, Indy Indy Jones".

William woke us up Sunday with the question, "What's the movie where the man is trying to kill the pig?" Diana said, "mumble mumble mumble". William said, "why are you talking like that?" I said, "She's sleeping." We finally got him the answer, Charlotte's Web.

My idea of having one big bash for all the July birthdays and one big bash for the August birthdays wasn't so well received. Nope, we've got to have a bunch of birthdays.

I want to put a list of the cousins in the U.S.A. birthdays ( (from oldest to youngest): Josh, Katie 21 (June 8, 1988), Will and Bart 22 (July 28, 1987) (all in their early 20's), Joseph 16 (August 19th) Oliver 14 (October), Venus 14 (June 29th), Brian 12 (Feb. 8), Natasia 12 (August 7th), Robyn 10 (January 4th), AJ 9 (Aug. 4th), Emma 5 (April 2nd), Braxton 5 (April 4) William 5 (April 14), Nicole 5 (July 14), Andres 3 (Sept 23), Christian 3 (Oct. 21st), Gavin 2 (April 10) Ariana 2 (Aug 30), Breana 2 (Jan. 6th), Sebastian 1 (January 12), Ashton (April 4), Erin 1 (July 21st), Eric Jr. 1 (August 2nd) Sasha (Oct. 21) Dylan (June 25th). Also Alex, and her sister, who's birthdays I don't know, plus another one on the way. Twenty six cousins, twenty seven upcoming.

So where's the next child coming from in Diana's family?

That list chronologically through the year (of the ones I know):
Robyn 10 (January 4th, 1999)
Breana 2 (Jan. 6th, 2007)
Sebastian 1 (January 12, 2008)
Brian 12 (Feb. 8, 1997)
Emma 5 (April 2nd, 2004)
Braxton 5 (April 4, 2004)
Ashton (April 4, 2008)
William 5 (April 14, 2004)
Katie 21 (June 8, 1988)
Dylan (June 25th, 2009)
Venus 14 (June 29th, 1995)
Nicole 5 (July 14, 2004)
Erin 1 (July 21st, 2008)
Will and Bart 22 (July 28, 1987)
Eric Jr. 1 (August 2nd, 2008)
AJ 9 (Aug. 4th, 2000)
Natasia 12 (August 7th, 1997)
Joseph 16 (August 19th, 1993)
Ariana 2 (Aug 30, 2008)
Andres 3 (Sept 23, 2005)
Oliver 14 (October 1995)

Nobody in March, Nov. or Dec.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Coxsackie & Croup

Andres had Coxackie last week and Croup this week. Both are viral and you can't really do anything about them, except to monitor to make sure it doesn't take a turn for the worse. He missed 4 days last week, he'll miss 2 days this week. Poor lamb is lethargic. He gets so reactionary at the doctor's office, but the doctor is kind.

William has left the garden. He covers up sometimes, he feels self conscious when he's naked at home. Not nude. He didn't just offer his hand to cross the street the other day. Diana says he's resisting holding hands crossing the street. He's into lego star wars, spiderman, x-men and other heroes of the cartoon and movie world.

I'm collecting artwork photos on facebook:

For William

For Andres

Monday, August 03, 2009