Thursday, August 30, 2007

Site Meter

My friend showed me how to put a site meter onto the web site (see at the bottom). Pretty cool. Now I can see who's coming, where they're from in the world and all kinds of interesting stuff. I was the first visitor, I'm #1. The statistics start from today.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8 Days

William has 8 days before he begins school. I begin Sept 11th. Diana is back to work this Thursday. Aida is already back to work today.

When he's being naughty, he says, "I'm Diesel 10!" meaning he's a sort of evil character from Thomas The Tank Engine.

Andrew isn't into books or TV the way William was, though he had me read a dinosaur book three times this morning that he liked. He gives good hugs, and it breaks my heart when he resists my going to work. He's getting better though. He can be demanding--he's closer to his plate of pizza, but he says, "you get it!" and then cries when I don't. Paquita came over so Diana could do some errands, and she says he's absolutely cute. He helped her clean the fridge, and when she says, "get your brother," he screams, "BROTHER". At the park last night, he said, "William! Pizza!" when he was ready to get pizza. In the pizza shop it was crowded so Andres was gobsmacked. But William played chase with a little boy about his age.

Summer is almost over.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Some retro links of photos of William

Looking back, I found some pages of William's photos when he was young.

One This one might not work, but maybe it will later. It's supposed to be the birth announcement.

Two "Sparky's Photos"

Three "Page 2"

Four "Baptism and party"

Five "Bath Time"

Six "He's 2 Months Old"

Seven "9 Weeks"

Eight "Five Months Old"

Nine "The High Chair"

Ten "October 6th 2004" which is the day I had the graduation ceremony for my NYU MSW.

These free pages quickly "exceed their limit"--what do you want for nothing? Try back another time. I can't believe how young William was!

Story Time

Failed Walking In Daddy's Shoes

Sunday, August 26, 2007

new shoes #2

new shoes

Happy Anniversary

My grandparents, William and Andres' great grandparents, had their 65 wedding anniversary! Congratulations.

Poor Natasia fell off a horse and is in the hospital. She was held over night as a precaution. Her wrist is injured.

I took William to his gym class, and then for bagels with Leah and Emily and their parents. He wanted a Thomas The Tank Engine. I said no, and he said, "Duck?" meaning a different train. He struggled to not get one. His Abuela bought him a Molly and Express Coaches. He's definitely favoring the wooden format, or the larger ones with the plastic hooks that still run on the plastic blue tracks. He really likes the wooden tracks, but we don't have that many of them. Natasia gave them to him. She kept some of hers at her place so when he comes over he'll have something to play with.

So we had an OK time with Emma and Leah. Emma is a wild one, her poor mother really has a job trying to get her in line. I like her though. Leah shared her cookies with William. I like being with other parents. I'm afraid we won't see Emma and her mother any more, they're taking the next round of classes off from the gym. Hopefully we'll see Leah in 2 weeks when classes begin again. We're deciding whether we'll take both of them, or we'll just do William on the week, and let Paquita take Andres on the week, while William is in school.

Leah's mom gave me some positive feedback--she says she can tell how involved I am in the boys life. Felt good.

William forgot his trains, which to be honest was a relief. I liked it not having to deal with it. But William wanted, and we had a difficulty passing the Thomas store going back to the car.

He doesn't like it that the eye brows are rubbed off his Thomas trains. I put some eye brows on with a pen. They rub off though.

Diana took Andres out with her to shop at a teacher day at Staples. She said it wasn't any good, unlike last year, no real savings. They went off with Abuela and Abuelo.

It was a hot day and William asked for a Popsicle, so we went to the store. He played with his trains and watched some Thomas. At one point he got annoyed, didn't want it any more, so I turned it to the ball game.

They spent quite a bit of time away from each other. They run so hot and cold. One minute they are happy, getting along, the next they are not.

Last Friday they both got some injuries at the park. Andres was sliding down the pole and it rubbed his face next to his eye. Yikes. William took a tumble down the stairs, he wanted to go home. I was relieved when he felt better. He said he bumped the top of his head. I didn't see it, I was across the playground with Andres.

Brothers as friends

Brothers as friends
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Proudly displaying Thomas

Proudly displaying Thomas
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Two Brothers

Two Brothers
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Andrew's New Haircut

Andrew's New Haircut
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Diana took them to gym class, but they couldn't go so she had a bagel with them and passed a barber. It's the first haircut she didn't take photos and video. She did take one phone camera shot. She was worried I would be mad she did it without me. I'm just happy to get it done.

Andrew is on the Thomas the Tank engine bed that Virginia got William. Andrew prefers to sleep in it though.

Brothers about to go out

Brothers about to go out
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
They can run hot and cold about each other. Now they are warm towards each other.

Strike a pose

Strike a pose
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Two boys about to go outside on a cool summer day, with their Thomas jackets.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Andrew resists my leaving in the morning. He says, "I want you." and "wait." He's very insistent, and cute.

William wakes up and says, "I want to see dinosaur Thomas," which is this video.

At the park yesterday Diana brought the chalk and bubbles. Kids went nuts over the bubbles.

Courtney says William and Andrew get along the best of all the families with siblings she visits--which made me very proud. She says the boys are very polite.

You Tube

If you want to just go to all the videos, goto this link.

A few people like the little Thomas videos we've made.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Andrew leading his brother

Andrew leading his brother
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
William and Andrew playing together, collaborating. I'm telling this morning's photo story in reverse, because the way it comes out on the blog is refevers of the order that it shows. So this is the start of the story.


Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Close up of William while his brother holds his ear, and he plays a dog. Usually Andrew plays the dog, but somehow today William plays the dog, and Andrew walks him, holding his ear.


Originally uploaded by sravacitta
He's playing with trains. I love his Pig Pen t-shirt.

Andrew upset

Andrew upset
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
William took away 2 of Andrew's 4 Thomas trains, which precipitates a crisis for him. Father scolds William for his actions in light of his brother's crying.

Crying Andrew

Crying Andrew
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
His brother hurt his feelings, by taking away Thomas

Andrew and Daddy

Andrew and Daddy
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Andrew has stopped crying.

Andrew and Daddy

Andrew and Daddy
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Andrew is brightening up.

Back to playing

Back to playing
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Andrew begins to play tentatively.

Playing with tracks

Playing with tracks
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Andrew can play now peacefully with his brother on the tracks, now that he's refuled.

William playing

William playing
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
William and Andrew are playing peacefully. The end.

Monday, August 20, 2007

It's good to see public breast feeding.

And twins no less. Click here.

Weekend Update

Abuela bought William and Andrew Thomas The Tank Engine sneakers that flash when you walk in them. I tried to get a few videos. There is a video delay with the blog, it takes a while to transfer the videos to my computer, then upload them to You Tube, and put them on the blog. Ditto with photos. Same process, but upload them to Flickr instead of You Tube. Text is the easiest thing to do, I can compose on line, spell check on line. Or whatever, I could do it elsewhere and then paste it.

It was a lovely weekend with the boys. I spent Saturday with the boys. I took them to the park so they wouldn’t wake up Diana. When I got home, we had to hustle to Savanna’s. She had a nice brunch and they played with Aida, a cute blond little 2.5 year old. Andrew took a long nap. William likes chase. The parents marveled that while she doesn’t watch Thomas The Tank Engine very much, she does know the names of the trains. William brought some trains, and they played with them. At one point, William almost put his train off the 14th floor balcony. Savanna’s family were nice, kid friendly, and her brother was especially nice as William jumped on him, and he didn’t get mad. Andrew wore Aida’s shoes and like clomping around in them—thin and decorative.

When I got home, there was a family situation that required Diana, so she wasn’t home. So I had the boys until about 9pm. We went to the park. Andrew demanded pasta, and was impatient while I made it. He didn’t really like my vegetarian version. Sorry bub, I don’t cook meat, that’s your mother, and everyone else.

Sunday I was pretty tired. I took the boys to the park though. I made a complicated track arrangement for William. Andrew woke up from the nap he resisted taking, and was amazed at the track. We watched Lady and the Tramp. Then my Buddhist friends came over, and they showed off and cutted it up for them. Diana took them over for a visit to Abuela’s. Apparently they tore up the apartment. Christian’s son John was there. He’s 4 months and 40 lbs. The doctor told them to put him on a diet. When I got home from going out for good vegetarian grub, William was asleep. Andrew was still awake. He wouldn’t got to bed with me, he wanted his mommy. He’s going to have a difficult adjustment to September’s changes, but I now he loves Paquita, and they have a wonderful relationship. When I left this morning, Diana was giving them a bath. They hadn’t had one since Friday. Yikes! My fault, should have bathed them, and dismissed the no’s they gave me.

Emma Grace Salazar

Emma Grace Salazar
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

somber William

somber William
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

finger painting

finger painting
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

William touching ears

William touching ears
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

finger painting

finger painting
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Fitting into the old man's shoes

Saturday, August 18, 2007

video 9



Andres playing with his truck.

vid5 of bday set

Veronica, Jimmy and a sleeping Abuelo.


Friday, August 17, 2007

Positive feedback

Last night Diana told me that her friend says I've already done more for the children than her husband ever did for his children. That kind of made me feel good. I like the recognition and validation.

I wrote to people saying I couldn't come tonight to a party because my son was wanting me around, and a few people wrote back, very touched by my e-mail. Made me feel good that people appreciated that I couldn't come even though I wanted to, and the reason why. Felt good. I like to be recognized for my efforts fathering. I do it anyway, but it helps when the world recognizes my efforts.

I have had positive feedback throughout, but two things in a 24 hour period, and it's not even father's day.

William hugging

This all takes place at Virginia and Tim's house in Mahwah, where we're all celebrating Natasia's 10th birthday.

I think this is my new favorite video after Andrew dancing. William gets praise for hugging, and then wants Aida to hug him, the praise giver, and then they hug a bunch more. And then someone tries to hug Andrew and he's not into it. Enjoy.

birthday party video #1

scary video

I follow some blogs, and I saw this video on a blog, that is scary. A child climbs up into a window sill that is unguarded.

William, Andrew and Diana slept over at Aida and Natasia's. They're going to Coney Island today. I hope they have a good time.

Andrew fell at the park on Tuesday, on cement, and I feel so horrible about it. It was through my neglect. I put him up on a water fountain to drink water, precariously, about 2 feet above the cement. I was playing, trying to splash Natasia with water, and he fell off. I felt so sick. Yeck. He seemed OK: A little bump on his head, I think his back took the brunt of the fall, but I actually didn't see it. He did have a little bruise on his back, and the bump developed later.

People came up and asked if we needed any help. I thought I saw blood for a minute. Anyway, there seems to be no lasting damage, but who knows. I'm sure on some level I broke his sense of trust in me, a little.

Aida was all, "don't let him fall asleep." Well, he didn't fall asleep, but I held him as we walked home, and tried to be comforting. Woof. Aida can be a bit nervous nellie around the boys, seeing them falling when they're not about to. I should have been more like her in that moment!

I feel sick just writing about it. I should have never walked away from him, I got distracted. The above video reminded me of how important it is to keep a watch on small children. Such fragile precious little beings.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

bday video

Andrew being fed by his mother

Playing in the dirt

Playing in the dirt
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

William, Andrew and Delilah

William, Andrew and Delilah
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Andrew atop a pile of dirt

Andrew atop a pile of dirt
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Andrew with baby doll

Andrew with baby doll
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Happy Birthday Natasia

Happy Birthday Natasia
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

William, Natasia, Andrew

William, Natasia, Andrew
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Juice stealing pirate

Juice stealing pirate
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Emma and Andrew

Emma and Andrew
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Birthday Pirate

Birthday Pirate
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Cheetoes anyone?

Cheetoes anyone?
Originally uploaded by sravacitta

Aida, Virginia, Diana

Aida, Virginia, Diana
Originally uploaded by sravacitta
Virginia isn't showing that much, but she's pregnant here. This photo was taken at the birthday party for Natasia, as the ones following, though since the way the blog comes, you'll see this one last.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Andrew and finding balance.

I'm going to skip Tuesday's sangha night, because Andrew seems to be needing me more these days. He seems to be going through something and I want to be there for him. He's very insistent on me being around, and seems to be tortured by my not being around. Soon, Tuesday night will be consumed by ICP, my going back to school, and won't be so optional. My spiritual life is very important to me, but I've sort of rationed 2 events a week as my sangha activity. If there are 3 in a 7 day period, I feel it's more optional. I need to get away to be the best dad I can be, but I also have to be careful not to think more is always better in terms of my priority of fathering. I take fathering very seriously, and my spirituality helps me to take up what responsibility that I do take up. If you subtract it, I would be less. I know Diana rightfully dislikes anything that takes me away from the family. Parenting has been a spiritual challenge for me. I was talking to my friends about their fasting, their chastity and other renunciations, and spiritual challenges. I think they have some energy to do them. I think I'm firing on all thrusters, I don't need to fast or take cold showers or renounce anything. I've renounced so much of myself by parenting, but in a way, the biggest conflict is with meditating, reading and spending time with my spiritual community. I work to find the best balance.

600th post--a video

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Forgot to mention

I forgot to mention that William met his teacher for September. They actually missed the time they were supposed to meet, Diana was wrong by an hour. But he got to meet her anyway, and they seemed to get along fine. Someone said they were a good match, but I'm not sure why. I was reading through the stuff, and I think the hardest thing is going to be packing him lunch. I think William will like school. I think Andrew is going to be lonely from 8:30-1:30 when he's in school, but it was also be nice alone time.

I'm going to be going back to school in September too. So change is coming.

Andrew pouting

Bust My Buffers

Piggy Back Ride

My new favorite video


William said, "I want a P O P," spelling it out. Virginia said, "yea, he learned that last weekend." Aida and Virginia like the idea that they learned a bunch of things while we were away under their excellent tutelage. It's a nice narrative. I appreciate them letting us get away.

William only brought paint splattered Thomas, Annie and Clarabell. He keeps saying he wants Mavis or Henry, or his other trains. I try to explain to him that they're far away back in NYC.

Poor little Andrew threw up in the car ride. I feel deeply disturbed when that kind of thing happens, helpless to comfort and sooth them, while I have to stay on the road and get to a place to turn off and clean him up. Diana sat with him in the back, we didn't make him get into the car seat again.

Tim's father had a stroke while he was in California. Tim went out there, he's getting back tomorrow. I sent a message wishing him well on line. The hospital has a cool interface where you can get updates and see pictures and send well wishes. It's really quite touching. He's a nice guy, you can tell how important he is to Tim. So I wish them all well.

Today we celebrate Natasia's birthday in New Jersey, so I won't load up a bunch of videos, but I've got the flip video back, so I can do that. And Gigi has Wi-Fi so I can use my laptop. He's the video of the boys jumping on the bed, kicking each other, etc.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Andrew has been coming into our room at 5am and asking for juice the past two days. But last night he went to bed really early, and instead came in a 2am, but he still slept late.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Happy Birthday Natasia

We wished Natasia a happy 10th birthday yesterday. She's 4 days younger than Diana and my marriage. She's really growing up. I got her a cake, and she went out to lunch with a bunch of family. Cutting the cake with us on her actual birthday were Abuela, Abuelo, Janet, Aida, William, Andrew, Diana and me.

William has me watching endless armature video reenactments of Thomas The Tank engine on Youtube. Here's one I liked today.

Andrew is into a doll. William is into his paint splattered Thomas.

Monday, August 06, 2007

We're back

It was a lovely relaxing weekend. We didn't take any photos, but we did buy the one when we entered the airport, and we'll have to scan it. Supposedly the boys were OK. We watched the movie Babel, and it stirred up feelings of longing for the boys. We rushed home, and they're not here! Aida should be here shortly with them. Paquita cleaned the rug, and sofa. It's nice. Can't wait to see the boys.

Friday, August 03, 2007

Punta Cana

Diana surprised me by getting us a trip to the Dominican Republic, in Punta Cana, at a resort called Paradisus, which more specifically is the Punta Cana resort.

They rank them 18th of 57 on one web site.

It was hard to leave the boys. Apparently they stayed in their bedroom and pouted for a while when they woke up and we weren't there. In my limited experience, the drive here reminded me of Ecuador. I'm hoping this is going to be a mellow visit. I'm going to sign up for a massage, and we'll dip in the ocean and eat. But most of all, I want to sleep.

Punto Cana

Diana surprised me by getting us a trip to the Dominican Republic, in Punta Cana