Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8 Days

William has 8 days before he begins school. I begin Sept 11th. Diana is back to work this Thursday. Aida is already back to work today.

When he's being naughty, he says, "I'm Diesel 10!" meaning he's a sort of evil character from Thomas The Tank Engine.

Andrew isn't into books or TV the way William was, though he had me read a dinosaur book three times this morning that he liked. He gives good hugs, and it breaks my heart when he resists my going to work. He's getting better though. He can be demanding--he's closer to his plate of pizza, but he says, "you get it!" and then cries when I don't. Paquita came over so Diana could do some errands, and she says he's absolutely cute. He helped her clean the fridge, and when she says, "get your brother," he screams, "BROTHER". At the park last night, he said, "William! Pizza!" when he was ready to get pizza. In the pizza shop it was crowded so Andres was gobsmacked. But William played chase with a little boy about his age.

Summer is almost over.

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