Friday, August 17, 2007

scary video

I follow some blogs, and I saw this video on a blog, that is scary. A child climbs up into a window sill that is unguarded.

William, Andrew and Diana slept over at Aida and Natasia's. They're going to Coney Island today. I hope they have a good time.

Andrew fell at the park on Tuesday, on cement, and I feel so horrible about it. It was through my neglect. I put him up on a water fountain to drink water, precariously, about 2 feet above the cement. I was playing, trying to splash Natasia with water, and he fell off. I felt so sick. Yeck. He seemed OK: A little bump on his head, I think his back took the brunt of the fall, but I actually didn't see it. He did have a little bruise on his back, and the bump developed later.

People came up and asked if we needed any help. I thought I saw blood for a minute. Anyway, there seems to be no lasting damage, but who knows. I'm sure on some level I broke his sense of trust in me, a little.

Aida was all, "don't let him fall asleep." Well, he didn't fall asleep, but I held him as we walked home, and tried to be comforting. Woof. Aida can be a bit nervous nellie around the boys, seeing them falling when they're not about to. I should have been more like her in that moment!

I feel sick just writing about it. I should have never walked away from him, I got distracted. The above video reminded me of how important it is to keep a watch on small children. Such fragile precious little beings.

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