Monday, August 20, 2007

Weekend Update

Abuela bought William and Andrew Thomas The Tank Engine sneakers that flash when you walk in them. I tried to get a few videos. There is a video delay with the blog, it takes a while to transfer the videos to my computer, then upload them to You Tube, and put them on the blog. Ditto with photos. Same process, but upload them to Flickr instead of You Tube. Text is the easiest thing to do, I can compose on line, spell check on line. Or whatever, I could do it elsewhere and then paste it.

It was a lovely weekend with the boys. I spent Saturday with the boys. I took them to the park so they wouldn’t wake up Diana. When I got home, we had to hustle to Savanna’s. She had a nice brunch and they played with Aida, a cute blond little 2.5 year old. Andrew took a long nap. William likes chase. The parents marveled that while she doesn’t watch Thomas The Tank Engine very much, she does know the names of the trains. William brought some trains, and they played with them. At one point, William almost put his train off the 14th floor balcony. Savanna’s family were nice, kid friendly, and her brother was especially nice as William jumped on him, and he didn’t get mad. Andrew wore Aida’s shoes and like clomping around in them—thin and decorative.

When I got home, there was a family situation that required Diana, so she wasn’t home. So I had the boys until about 9pm. We went to the park. Andrew demanded pasta, and was impatient while I made it. He didn’t really like my vegetarian version. Sorry bub, I don’t cook meat, that’s your mother, and everyone else.

Sunday I was pretty tired. I took the boys to the park though. I made a complicated track arrangement for William. Andrew woke up from the nap he resisted taking, and was amazed at the track. We watched Lady and the Tramp. Then my Buddhist friends came over, and they showed off and cutted it up for them. Diana took them over for a visit to Abuela’s. Apparently they tore up the apartment. Christian’s son John was there. He’s 4 months and 40 lbs. The doctor told them to put him on a diet. When I got home from going out for good vegetarian grub, William was asleep. Andrew was still awake. He wouldn’t got to bed with me, he wanted his mommy. He’s going to have a difficult adjustment to September’s changes, but I now he loves Paquita, and they have a wonderful relationship. When I left this morning, Diana was giving them a bath. They hadn’t had one since Friday. Yikes! My fault, should have bathed them, and dismissed the no’s they gave me.

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