Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

a day

We spent the day at an aquarium in Riverhead. Harry came along with his brood, plus Joseph. It was a nice place, though I'm done before we leave. I admire Harry's continuing to be open and playful, ditto for Diana. I liked the Parana feeding frenzy.

My favorite part was listing to the boys blather in the back seat on the ride home, and in their bedroom while they awaited their mother coming out of the bathroom to put them to bed. They have a silly patter.

Yesterday I somehow subtracted one from the address of a museum we were looking for, and thus we didn't find it. We went to Katz's, and then to Thompkins Square, where they have a superb park for children.

I lived in the East Village for many years, but it seems after being away for quite a while that many of the business have changed. My favorite breakfast spot was gone, among other changes. While I had difficulty recovering from the lost museum debacle, Diana had fun, and everyone else seemed to.