Saturday, June 05, 2004

26. At Josephine's

I want to go home, but William is latched on. We'll go soon. I came up here to try and wake up, they're allowing me to blog from their computer.

We've had a lovely Saturday afternoon BBQ here in Chatham NJ, for a goodbye party for Jen and Ashley. The ribs were a little burnt, but they were not burnt on top. Josephine always throws a wonderful party, and it's great to see everyone. Little 3 year old Evan runs around and is a pure joy. William has slept and eaten, had some diapers changed. New setting, old routine. He slept on me for a while, a long while. Diana keeps her modesty by putting a receiving blanket over herself.

William woke up at 6:30am this morning, and I wanted Diana to sleep because she stayed up, but she got up too. She was up till 2 with him. She's going to fall asleep in the car on the ride home.

She was holding him and we had a group hug, my first consciousness of the family hug.

I got to meditate and went to my Buddhist study group. I picked up Aida on the way home, and then we came to NJ after a while, playing my love songs for Diana file on my iPod.

They have a nice house here, and it's fun to hang out. Aida and Diana dressed William in jeans and shoes, he's all dressed up. Virginia came over. She's going to sleep at our house and go shopping with Diana tomorrow for Jacky's shower present. I'm going on a meditation day from 10-4. I'll miss the little todger while I'm away.

My eyes are stinging, but it's a pure joy to be able to take so much care of William. Everyone thinks he's cute and I get so much joy out of others appreciating him.

Vajramati came up with a Buddhist name for his naming ceremony next week, "Jyoti" which means "spark" or flame, fire or light from a flame. My nickname for him is Sparky so it's perfect. I'm looking forward to the naming ceremony next weekend. Of course he has a legal and he has been baptized in the Catholic church, but we're also celebrating my tradition. It's truly a wonderful full world.

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