Saturday, June 12, 2004

32. Jyoti: Buddhist Naming Ceremony

I think after 2 years, I am still insecure about being a Buddhist. I felt insecure about having the ceremony, though I think the little thread around everyone's wrist is so sweet. It makes me really happy. I think people were genuinely interested, curious. It was an honor to share my Buddhism with them, if that makes sense.

I'm glad everyone came, and I thank Diana and Virginia for fixing up the house and getting the food ready. I thank Andrew and Sita for coming. I thank Vajramati for running it, he did a great job. I thank Cliff and Vava for coming. I thank Josephine, Michael, Evan, Harry, Angie, AJ, Venus, Emma, Aida, Natasia for coming. I thank Diana's parents for coming. Also thanks to Sunanda for sending the ceremony outline and texts.

Jyoti is his Buddhist name, and if he chooses to become a Buddhist when he grows up, this ceremony will be auspicious. I was glad everyone supported my spiritual beliefs, I'm really touched by it all, and I'm so glad William/Jyoti is in my world, and I'm in his.

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