Tuesday, June 01, 2004

17. Should I sleep when he sleeps?

William is sleeping now. Diana woke up at 5am, and either pumped or fed him. I slept through it. I woke up around 8:30. He was grunting. I changed his diaper, then changed his diaper and then started thawing a breast milk. Big mistake. Next time begin thawing first thing. His crying while we waited for the breast milk to thaw was hard. But finally it was all liquid, and then the nipple was too slow for him. I changed it. The slow nipple is good when he's been eating a lot, and just wants to fall asleep sucking at the bottle. But not for waking up hungry boy. So I got 4 oz. into him, and he was still fussing and not so happy, even after another diaper change, so I warmed a formula. He sucked down 4 more oz. He wiggled a little bit and fell asleep. I have him half swaddled in the bed. Now I'm going to read the paper with him. I laid down with him, but then I thought I have to do some adult things. I really should try to sleep, but if I don't drink coffee I won't really wake up. I need my morning therautic dose of coffee. I wonder when he's going to let me meditate.

Cliff sent me a text message wishing me well today. Virginia called to check up on me. I'm all right.

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