Thursday, June 03, 2004

21. Boy Headbutts Father

Yesterday was unlike the day before, William seemed to require constant holding to sleep. Every time I put him down he woke up, and when I picked him up he slept.

His movements and vocalizations are becoming different, complex and more varied. He's still got a torso thrust, perhaps in an attempt to get into the breast feeding position which he so loves, that resulted in a head butt this morning. He's smiling more, but most likely at his internal world, not the external world. Poor fellow is stranded on his back, though, he can't move at all, except to wiggle the extremities. I can't tell you how much I love his smiling.

He's gotten more interested in his "activity gym", the thing that goes over him and he can move the things with his arms. I put on a Baby Einstein DVD, and instead of looking at the TV, he was looking at the activity gym, so I put that over the pappasan. He liked it for a while, but seemed to get frustrated. Maybe he wanted to do more. Maybe he was overstimulated.

I've started putting my hand to my mouth, for hungry, baby signs. Supposedly 6 months is when they can begin to begin baby signs, though each baby develops very differently.

He's fallen asleep. He slept from 11:30 to 5, a longer night, 5.5 hours. Night before was 4.5, and last night was on breast milk, so there goes the knock out punch of formula theory.

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