Thursday, June 03, 2004

22. My First Solo Bath

I took more photos of him today. I'm running out for my photo of the day e-mails to his grandparents in Chicago and California. Of recent ones anyway. He's changing so quickly. He's huge, but he's still tiny weeny.

My meditation was interrupted by my boy's waking, but I don't mind. He's bound to sleep later, and he did, and I finished it. He's sleeping now.

I just gave him my first solo bath. I put baby oil in his hair for a little while for the cradle cap. Then I put him in our little bath gizmo. I wished him, and then shampooed his hair. I picked out an outfit (his mother might now approve) and fed him a bottle of formula because the breast milk ran out. I've fed him mostly breast milk today.

Diana says she got up at 4:30am and fed him for an hour. That's long for him. In the morning he does not wake up crying, he just grunts and then falls back asleep. But when I have had enough sleep, the grunts wake me up and so I warm up a bottle and change his diaper, and the cycles begin.

I've been watching lots of movies. I've seen 3 French movies in the past 2 days. Taking care of a baby is more conducive to watching TV than reading. We've got a bunch of movie channels and a few good ones, so I'm not starved for entertainment. Plus I could just watch him for hours. I put up the things for him to hit with his little hands, that swing and rattle, and he was very interested in that. "You mean I can effect the world?!" He seemed amazed at his powers.

I left the phone in his room for one nap, and someone called and it woke him up. That was silly of me. Virginia called, and I'd still left it in there. Oops.

Abluela came over. I video taped some of her beautiful Spanish baby patter, while she doted on him. She's very kind and loving.

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