Wednesday, June 09, 2004

29. Computer Troubles

I've had computer troubles so I could not blog. I missed writing about William.

Yesterday I took him for a walk to the library. I had to stop and feed him. But otherwise it was nice, and he fell asleep, and he was really mellow when he woke up. I think he needs to go on more walks.

I'm very tired, but I'm OK. I can see why people fall asleep driving now. There's no pattern, though, I'm tired one minute and awake the next. Like clouds passing in the sky.

Yesterday we went out to celebrate Ray's birthday (a few weeks back) and Aida took care of William while we went out. Virginia slept over, instead of going back to NJ, and she held William while we ran around the home doing things. It's good to have people helping out. Diana's mother comes over, but I think she's holding back. Diana says I should ask her for help, but I'm trying to see where my breaking point.

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