Tuesday, June 08, 2004

28. Wakeup noises

A jack hammer on the street woke William up from one of his naps today. The garbage truck that take the huge garbage bin and dumps it into itself is quite loud. He wakes up sometimes when I talk while holding him, or when I sneeze. He wakes himself up with a sneeze. The door buzzer, or the phone can wake him up. Loud action on the TV, radio or iPod. Cars squeal around the corner, motorcycles rev up their engines. Car alarms. Bloomberg is talking about cracking down on noise, supposedly many of the complaints to the 311 number are about noise. In the intermediate seasons, when it's hot to open the window, but not so hot you turn on the AC.

William holds his fist like he's saying, "got your nose," with his thumb between the index and the swearing finger.

We ran out of bag in the diaper genie, and I've been putting diapers into the garbage. That's created a urine smell in the house. Diana put a new bag in, but it's tight, so I haven't been using it.

Diana wanted me to take the baby to her work, it's a half day. I'm exhausted. I don't have the mojo. Diana says he got up at 4 for a feeding. He woke me up at 7am. He just woke up now.

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