Saturday, October 30, 2004

141. Precious sleep

Generous Virginia kept William last night. I got 9 hours of precious sleep. He would not go to bed until midnight. All 3 of us walked and tended to him, to try and get him to sleep. It's so wonderful to watch Virginia enjoying William. And it's nice to see Diana get 9.5 hours of sleep.

Now that I'm going back to work, we're going to be sharing the night time responsibilities. Already there is a child care crisis. Aida and Diana have late meeting 3 out of 4 Mondays a month. Abuela has been picking up Natasia. Paquita stays till 4:30 with Elizabeth's kids. Virginia is going to Boston. Alexandra is going to Boston Sunday. Diana might have to skip the meeting, or we might have to look outside the box for someone who is free to take care of William on Monday.

I've been taking all kinds of pictures of William with Virginia's excellent camera. I have some precious shots.

Virginia reports William woke up at 6. Then he went to sleep again till 8. I came down at 9, and William took another little nap around 10. We didn't bring any cereal so William had brunch. Diana fed him while I held him, because we don't have a feeding seat. William took Virginia's glasses off. Kind kind Virginia. Now we're going out shopping so Diana can work on a paper. We're taking William.

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