Thursday, October 28, 2004

138. Sleep

William was thrashing, waving a towel around. I came in and we watched him, and then he became self conscious and stopped and looked at me. We both laughed. His level of movement and vocalization has increased markedly over the past few weeks, I think his body is maturing so he can do things. He's much more verbal, which makes me take his "mamamamama" less serious. It's hard for me to judge when he's complaining all the time.

Diana fed him pears and winter squash, with a little bit of carrot and then apple sauce. She breast fed him, and he fell asleep around 8. Diana fell asleep around 9:15. At 9 she doggedly insisted she would watch West Wing. But she soon came in to go to bed.

William woke up at 2. I heard him rustling for a while, before he cried. He was awake. I fed him a little then changed his diaper. He put his foot in the poop, and I had to turn on the light to manage things better. He was still awake, and I was so tired, so I put him back in bed. He was fine for a while, but Diana got up when he cried. Strangely, I could not fall back to sleep then. Diana got him to sleep, though.

He didn't wake up for Diana and she pumped. He woke up at 7. I was having an aliens taking over the world dream. He was fussy, and had to be closely watched. I fed him and he cried a little bit at the end. No fair putting food in his mouth when he opens it to complain. He fell asleep, and slept from 8:20-8:55. He smiled in his sleep, and woke up in a more pleasant mood.

I took him over to Abuela's so I could shave and iron my shirt for my interview today. He seemed a bit put out that I was taking him over so early. He reached out for me, and didn't want to go back to Abuela. She pouted, but I felt good. Silly really.

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