Monday, October 25, 2004

135. Compared to what?

William went to bed for the final time at 2. He woke up when Diana woke up for class. And he woke up for me at 8:30. He went back to sleep after some feeding, but I couldn't get to sleep, so I got up and pottered about until he woke up later. I put him on the couch with his toys, until he arched his back. I took him for a walk. I fed him oatmeal with banana and formula mixed in.

Virginia came over and helped me take care of William. He napped on her for 36 minutes. She fed him peas and potatoes. She read the blog. She disagrees that I should not have left William in the crib to take the car into the garage, even for 3 minutes. She's worried Diana will find out. Not sure if she would tell.

Virginia went to pick up Diana. Paul came over. William fell asleep, though woke up when I put him in the crib. Aida, Natasia, Virginia and Diana came in. They saw William roll over. We had a public debate about the 3 minute car move. Seems Harry used to leave AJ in the crib while he took Venus to school. I said compared to Harry I was not so bad. Paul thought I asked for it. Knew it was coming, wanted it out of the way.

They went shopping. Diana came back when I was asleep. I did not see if the Jets won, I think they lost. Yup, they lost. Everything is coming up roses in Boston. William fell asleep after Diana gave him a bath and fed him. He slept on her, he slept on me. I got up and put him in the crib after 45 minutes, and he woke up. He ate some more.

William went into a light sleep early in the evening, and he laid by us when Diana went to bed. When I turned the light out, put him in his bed, without any wake up. Diana fed him when she woke up, and he woke up for me at 8:20. We played, I fed him the bottle, and oatmeal, and I realized I was very tired. I took him over to Abuela's. I'm lucky to have Virginia helping me out Sunday and Abuela helping me out today. Very lucky. Don't know how some people do it.

Odds and Ends: Correction: There are 5; Josephine still has the string on: Diana, Aida, Virginia, Josephine and Vava. William sucks his thumb now instead of the indiscriminate fingers in mouth. He puts his thumb in and jams it into the opposite side gums. Angry pellet count for Sunday: 4. Virginia gives him her fingers and he pulls himself up to sit up, good one that. He's gone from step 1 in baby food to step 2.

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