Friday, October 15, 2004

127. Bub Bub

William slept for 90 minutes, and woke up sweetly as Amaradeva called me. He seemed in a good mood, but I wanted to take him over to his Abuela's so he could hang out with her for a little on his half birthday. I did not want to give him up, but I'll see him all evening so it's no big deal. I spent the time figuring out what photos I want to backup and upload onto snapfish.

Diana worked late, she had a workshop to do, then she stayed to do some other work. I picked up William. The Philippine gentleman who lives on our floor, who says, "hello my friend," and smiles a lot, was outside. He asked William's name, and it turns out he's William too. He said he looks like me, then he said he looks like Diana. At home he grabbed, played, drank milk, and went to sleep. He woke up and after a while I put him on the bed for his 4 front to back roll over. Just as he stopped moving, Diana arrived. She was upset she missed the roll, and she wouldn't let him fuss so he would do it.

I didn't drink coffee today, and it wasn't so bad. Just one less distraction away from William. I've been calling William "Bubub" pronounced /bub bub/. Don't know why, but I like it. I also call him Wquack Wquack, like the guy who is the eye doctor in Minority Report. I did a little drizzle rap, as I took him over to Abuela's on Friday, because it was drizzling. I talk a patter to him, "here were are at the ATM, here is a envelope to hold," which he puts onto his mouth and flaps around, drops it, and later it is replaced by a pamphlet at the library.

Virginia came over. I was meditating, and I stopped when she came over. I've become someone who stops meditating. Friday I started, but decided I was just too tired. Virginia played with William, held him, admired his size. We all went to bed eventually, not the same one. Then Virginia got a call. I took Virginia to meet up with her friends. I was not asleep, and had to read some to go to bed. William would not go to sleep before Diana had to leave, so I had to get up at the brutal hour of 6:45. I guess it's histrionic to always say, "this is the most tired I've ever been." But I felt that way this morning. I made some coffee, but that does not work enough any more when I'm tired.

We had our usual morning routine, play, holding and feeding. He would not turn over for the camera. He cried, and then fell asleep, and slept for 45 minutes at 9. When he woke up later, I took him for a walk down Main Street. Lots of kosher stores, and I feel foreign. I ended up at the library and got some books. Trying to save money by reading library books. At the grocery store, an old guy said to me, "I see you have the boss with you." He's obviously had children.

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