Friday, October 22, 2004

133. Migraine

They're popping out like Champaign corks in the Bosox locker room. Ryan was born at 9:53am Thursday, he's almost 8lbs & is 21 inches long, son of Sandra and her boyfriend, brother to Robyn, daughter of Victor, Diana's brother. When Diana wakes up, I'm going to have her call Josephine to congratulate her on Ava Olivia, born Wednesday. Maybe we'll go see her in the hospital today.

I must admit to the wisdom of living by Diana's parents. At first I didn't want to, and I wondered about the location. But now I can take William over for little or large breaks, and it's very convenient.

I fed William while he was very fussy. Then when I took him to his Abuela's, he fell asleep in the stroller. Poor puppy was tired. Diana brought him home, and he gobbled the milk for a long time, until they both fell asleep.

Diana "fell out". She slept with William, and then he woke up. I took him into the room to let her sleep. We played for a while, and he got fussy, so I thought he was tired (he'd eaten and had a diaper changed). But when Diana woke up he fed him baby food, and maybe he was hungry for baby food. He's had 4 meals today, Diana's mother fed him too. He's also had 4 little poops.

Diana again fell out when I was reading her some Thich Nhat Hanh writing on mothers, from the anthology that Andrew gave me, and that Alyssa said was good. William stayed up till 1. I'm trying to think "stay awake" instead of "fall asleep" because my desire has no influence. I struggled with him this morning too, I knew he needed sleep. He finally fell asleep when I gave him to his mother, who took the day off. I woke up and found her next to me. She called in sick because she was getting a migraine. Poor lamb is so stressed out. For some reason I was a little testy this morning too, William seemed particularly fussy and unwilling to fall asleep.

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