Friday, October 29, 2004

140. Last weekday

William was glad to see me, Thursday coming home from Abuela's, and I was very glad to see him. I danced around, and he enjoyed that. I picked him up and hugged him. He actually hugged me back! It was the best celebration to getting a job I could imagine.

I got some good video of him talking to his hand, and flapping the towel on the changing table, thrashing around. I've been in a good mood, getting a job and all. William has enjoyed my good mood. Everyone has congratulated me on getting the job.

Virginia took us out to Jackson Diner, even though she doesn't really like spicy Indian food. We put William into his winter suit. There are lots of families in there, it's a family friendly place. We sat next to a couple with an older child and a 5 month old. William woke up, and was grabbing for everything. On the ride home, Virginia had to stop quickly, and Diana screamed. That woke William up, and Virginia got upset because she thought maybe something happened, and it was her fault. Nothing happened, and it wasn't her fault, but when William cried, she cried too.

William was serious looking and tired at the restaurant. He pitched a fit when he was woken up in the car. But when he got home he came alive, and was thrashing into the night. We were up till midnight. Finally he went to sleep after midnight. I had insomnia with the excitement and worry about my new job on Monday and stayed up later than I wished I would have. I got up and read some at one point. Diana woke me at 7, William was still awake and she had to go to work. So I drove her.

There was a car accident by Diana's parent's friends, and so Abuela did not want William today. I fed him lunch for the first time in a while, and then took him to return a book at the library. William fell asleep and when Diana came home I took a 3 hour nap. Yikes. Now we're off to NJ for the weekend.

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