Tuesday, October 26, 2004

136. Tantrum

I woke up at 8am Monday morning, and snoozed until William woke up at 8:20. He tapped me on the back to let me know he'd woken up.

Also in the criticism of me and my 3 minute car move, was the idea that I left the door open. Someone could have come in and stolen William. Like there are vultures waiting to snap him up. The thinking is: Yea, the risk is small, but if it happens, you'll be sorry. I prefer not to live my life in fear. I want to be prudent, but not guided by fears. They are cute, though, the women with their concerns and their disaster scenarios. Even Paul thought I was wrong though, and thought it was just about energy. I didn't want to load him into the car seat, that was just laziness. In some ways I don't want William in the car at all, but I relent on that one. It's always a big seeming risk to me. I worry no matter who he's with and where and what he's doing, when I'm not around.

William's hair was wild this morning. Diana gave him a bath late, and it's always funny for a while. With his hair so long, he looks even more goofy. I wish Diana would let me cut his hair.

I got William at 3. He was asleep. He stayed asleep till I stopped the car to pick up Diana. Then we went over to Alex's. Having Alex gushing all over William, reminded me that Aida and Alex were fighting over William when we got to Josephine's. I remember after 10 minutes, I had him, they forgot about him.

I was video taping William. He got angry, and pitched a fit. He stopped when we gave it to him. Alex said, "it's his first tantrum." He's tired or hungry or something. I've never seen that over something.

Alex gave him a bath and I took pictures of his cowlick, that she gave him. I took her home, and D and W went to bed. Again, I moved him to his bed, after I turned out the light.

He woke up at 7 Tuesday. He took a 20 minute nap a little later, and I fed him lunch. We looked at his touch and feel books, and his shapes books. He put the shapes in his mouth, he put the books in his mouth. My mother still thinks he just needs to be taught to appreciate literature, bless her silliness. I put him in the swing and did some dishes. I took him to the Family Dollar store and bought him a little truck for a dollar, then took him to his Abuela's.

P.S. The time of posting should be correct now. And I'll get an e-mail if someone comments

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