Thursday, October 14, 2004

126. 6 months roll

When I got home, William was in the bath. He's so cute, splashing and putting his toys in his mouth. He looks so cute and vulnerable when he's wet, somehow. He likes to play in the bath now, sitting up, instead of laying back and sucking on his fingers. I finished the disk of photos, but when I tried to make a web site, they said the photos were not jpg, even though they were. So no new web site due to technical difficulties.

William took a long nap, so when I got back from my meeting with Vajramati and Trebor, Diana wanted to go to bed after a while. She's so tired. So I stayed up with William, who does not stay up much past his mom's going to bed. But he woke up a few hours later.

He's not liking sitting with his toys, he arches his back. So I put him on the bed and then put him on his stomach, and he turned over that way for the first time. I got quite excited and looked all over the house for a new toy, but we don't have one, so I'll have to get one later. He looked at the book Di got him, which he still likes, because it is flexible. He likes things that he can manipulate and put into his mouth. I'm afraid he's bored with all the toys we have. I put him under the gym and he did that for a while, but got tired of it too.

I fed him oatmeal with apple and formula mixed in, as a half birthday treat. He's 6 months old today. Then when he got fussy, I walked him till he fell asleep. I show him the map of America. I want to put up the map of the world. We have a map of the western hemisphere, so he can look at that. But I want the whole world.

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