Sunday, October 24, 2004

134. New Car Seat

Diana said, "why can't it be a cloudy day." It's cloudy now. Diana cried when she saw the photos with his hair slicked back. Zane and Bridget sent William a Halloween bear that glows in the dark. It's a bear in a skeleton costume. I took William to the library. He didn't like being in the library that much, he started crying to go. An Asian woman was wowed by him on the street and had to say hello and ask questions about him.

I slept for 5 hours. Diana reports William slept some. He kept throwing books off the coffee table. Diana is calling William "Bubbub".

Diana finally got to see William turn over. She was outside of the room, and then stood in the doorway and did not speak. When he turned over, she grabbed him, screaming with joy, which freaked him out a little bit. She fed him, and he fell asleep. She clipped his nails so he will not scratch him.

We took William over to his grandparent's house. Jimmy, Paquita, Checho, and Natasia were there. We gave them some photos I printed out. Checho hasn't had any photos so it was good to give her 2. And Jimmy and Paquita got 2. I played connect 4 with Natasia and took some pictures. It was hot and I left, which they thought was very funny. They call me Cinderfella. Diana reports Natasia enjoyed playing with him. Diana's father, Abuelo, joked about being able to hold William for more than 2 minutes. They call me the 2 minute man, because I get tired of William when women are around. When I'm alone with him for 8 hours, I'm not the 2 minute man, but things stick, don't they.

Diana came home at 2:15. William was still awake, and stayed awake till 3. He woke up 4, and drank 4 oz. Diana said, "I didn't hear him." I said, "yea, you didn't break your stride of snoring." Diana said, "Oh yea, this week, I came into the room, and you were snoring and I thought it would wake William up, so I put him in the crib instead of laying him next to you."

So William woke up around 8. I took care of him until Diana woke up, before I had to go. I'm thinking of canceling the paper again, I don't really have time to read it. I do enjoy it so, though.

I next caught up with William et al, when they drove up in Abuelo's car. We put William into our car, without taking him out, and drove to Alex's. We took Alex to an appointment. We waited for her, and then drove to Josephine and Michael's to see the 3 day old Ava. Sweet cute tiny Ava. I took a bunch of pictures and we all marveled at how light she was. Josephine seems to be doing well, though in a little pain. Ashley was there, but Jen wasn't. Evan and his father came home, and Evan entertained us with his antics and play. Virginia joined us, and brought the larger car seat. Now William faces forward in his new bigger car seat. He'd outgrown his old one.

Driving home was difficult because William cried a lot, perhaps tired, perhaps sick of being in the car, perhaps disliking the new car seat. He had a grade A crying jag. Fighting our way through New Jersey, Manhattan, Brooklyn and finally to Queens.

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