Monday, September 26, 2005

322. Setback

I went over to Abuela's to get Diana and take her and William to the hospital. We went there and he had not urinated, which he needs to do to leave the hospital, and it took a while for the physical therapy people to come. Diana breast fed, and then she fed him the bottle hoping he would urinate, so we could take him home. He puked all over the place. We're back to burping and trying to be in tune with the baby so we don't over feed him.

I took William outside for some lunch, and then Diana took him for some lunch. That was a little preview of the juggling act we're going to have to have.

Andrew's billyrubens were too high (12), he's getting jaundice. So we decided to be safe and keep him in the hospital. If untreated and it goes up, he could have hearing problems and learning disabilities. If they go up, then he'll need the light for 12 hours, that breaks them down, and they will test him more, monitor him more closely. Otherwise it will go down or stay the same, in which case, being older by a day, his liver will be able to handle it. We were very disappointed. I got a chance to meditate, so I had more resources to handle this setback. And it's not serious, it's just a matter of taking time.

The physcial therapist gave us some exercise for Andy's dystocia in his left shoulder. The following link is a informative site about dystocia. Seems it's rare, and most of the time the nerves regenerate.

No photos today, but I took the video camera.

We watched Land Before Time, and then William wanted a Sesame Street DVD. I'm going to choose the Spanish language option in the future for DVDs. I think he's going to learn English, that will be the dominant language. But I want him to be exposed to Spanish as much as possible to give him a chance to be bilingual. We got an extra DVD for Emma.

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