Wednesday, September 21, 2005

314. Heading to the hospital soon

Here is the web site for the hospital we are going to:

We're supposed to be there in almost 2 hours for the induction. I'm guessing he's not coming till the morning, he will be born on the first day of autumn. William will be an only child for a little while longer. I worry so much about his adjustment, but I know he will be OK and adjust, he's young and he's strong. I had insomnia last night.

William is as cute as ever. He seems to be saying "baby," as if a premonition of what must be beyond his imagination: a baby brother. I know he will resent the bonding between Diana and Andrew. I'm not sure what his regression will look like, perhaps more clingy. I'm committed to doing my level best to try and smooth the transition and adjustment.

Diana was a good girl and walked a lot yesterday and today, to help the baby come down, to ripen, so to speak. William has slept over at his grandparents before, but they will be with him. I thank them.

I'm grateful for all the well wishing.

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