Wednesday, December 01, 2004

165. Attachment

William went to bed at 11:30 Monday night. He woke up at 3. He gave a semi-confused smile to Abuela after not seeing her for a long time. But I'm sure he remembered quickly. When I got back over there at night, William was not interested in me, he wanted to see Natasia. He prefers young children already, not his father. I was a bit taken aback by his lack of interest in me, but I have to accept what is.

I took advantage of the situation to come home and read. I read walking your child outdoors in the early months helps them to get the night day cycle. Wish I would have known that. William tends to nap from 7-8, and then stay up late. He's going to be exhausted tonight with all the hubbub.

Diana says she breast fed him at 10:30 and he konked out. When she went to put him in his snow suit, he started wailing. He slept through the night, Diana fed him at 5. I got up at 6, meditated, and drove them to work. William was happy that I held him before I left. He got upset when I left. I felt terrible. I came and visited at lunch time. He's got a cold and he keeps putting his tongue out to lick his snot. When I got home in the evening he napped, and then was weepy, wouldn't let me put him down. He's OK now. He's got a cold, seems to have gotten it after the flight home from Chicago.

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