Wednesday, December 15, 2004

174. 8 Months!

The Monday crunch occurred again. Diana has to stay at school till 4:30, and Diana's mother has to go to work at 4. So we called up Veronica, who is a cousin of Diana's. She's an accounting student, who is hard working and sweet. She's going to come over and take care of William. Hooray Veronica.

I had a lovely morning with William, reading and playing in bed when he woke up. Getting out of the house with everything proved to be more difficult.

He's got such a lovely smile for me when I come home. He wants to look at me, and won't finish breast feeding. We played on the carpet for a while, and Diana joined us. She fed William. Now she's showering with him. He was afraid because Diana was towering over him. When he was done, I rubbed lotion on him, and began to dress him. Diana put him in the crib and he stood up on his own and hung onto the side. I got the video camera and he did it again. He fell asleep during Everybody Loves Raymond, while she breast fed him, and Diana clipped his nails.

Great Grandma and Grandpa Parks sent William some presents. Now we need to get a tree so we can put them under.

Tuesday KayLa was mother's little helper. Diana went out to get stuff for an experiment tomorrow.

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