Sunday, December 26, 2004

182. Toys!

William got a toy that you hammer balls down and they go back and forth. He got some cars that you can rev up and they go. He got some clothes and a big kind of thing he can ride or walk with. He got a coat he's going to be able to wear at least till next year. Virginia, among other things, gave us a new diaper bag, and we were surprised to find it full of little goodies. Harry gave him a drum because I said I was afraid of the noise making drum. They also gave him some cool clothes and a roll thing, that he can play with and use to crawl and walk. And some great clothes. Great Grandma and Grandpa Parks gave him a great outfit. Celeste, Steve and Kattie gave him a great guy on strings and a children's spoons and fork. Many great gifts, they're hard to remember them all. We still need to pick some packages up from the post office.

At Abuela's place this morning, Harry, Angie, AJ and Emma were there. Harry had to go off to work. AJ was struggling to share his toys, he's 4 years old. Emma sat on my lap for a good long time, playing. I came home to take a nap. When I went back, Aida and Natasia were there. At first Aida was just in the bedroom, but she came out into the room Angie was in. They would not refer to each other, but they stayed in the same room for a long time. Poor Aida has a cold. I went home for another nap, and then took Aida and Natasia home. Paquita, Jimmy, Checho, Angle, and Jessica were there when I came back. Checho keeps asking me for photos, but I can never get her address. I gave her a sheet of paper, and said, "write down your address," and she never gave it back to me. Then later, Diana's godparents came over, Hector's parents, Senora Jenny and Senor Ugo. Diana's parents got dressed up and went out to a party.

There was a party downstairs, you could hear the karaoke machine and the people singing. I said, "should I go down and tell them we have a baby sleeping?" Diana said, "it's not bothering him." William fell asleep with Diana on the couch, while I was watching The Life and Death of Peter Sellers. An interesting, well done movie, but I only had patience for an hour of it. Diana moved into the bedroom, and I took William into his crib. Diana slept in her clothes.

She just woke up briefly and said, "I'm sleeping in my clothes!" and fell back asleep. William woke up at 6. I just woke up from an intense dream, too disorganized to clearly convey here. I fed him a bottle, changed his diaper, gave him a little more bottle, and then slept with him on my chest. When I put him in the crib, that's when Diana woke up briefly.

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