Tuesday, December 21, 2004

178. Tree

I got a Christmas tree. It's so cold out here in NYC, especially when the sun is down. Tomorrow is winter solstice. Days get longer after tomorrow, but for some reason the weather gets worse for a while, there's more to it than the sun. We got a little snow yesterday, but William is not yet old enough to enjoy it. All my clients stay inside, I can't really blame them. Somehow we found time in the evening to put the tree up, but not yet decorate it.

I asked Diana, "you want to go to bed?" She said, "no, you go to bed." So I went to bed. I was awoken at 1:30 by his cries. Diana was sleeping next to me. I got up, gave him a bottle. He fell asleep. I put him in the crib and he slept.

This morning, Diana says she put him to bed at 1:30, and he slept for 5 minutes and then woke up. By then she was long gone to sleep. Poor dear, she's only had 5 hours sleep.

Sunday was really nice with William. Saturday I'm a bit conflicted with him, I'm thinking, "I've got him all Sunday." But when Sunday rolled around, he slept late and took a long nap. I think one key is getting a break, not always being on. Diana let me go to bed early. I said, "don't you want me to help you?" She said to me laying in bed, "like you are now..." William got up at 3:30, and was up till 4:15. I let him sleep on my chest, and then I rolled him onto his side and back, and he woke up at 4:30. Diana got up with him despite my protests. I really think she should take the day off, or at least go in late. I can't take a day off till February, and as it is, I'm yawning like crazy with the clients, which is bad technique, but they say that they don't mind, they understand.

It's no exaggeration to say we look forward to the days when he goes to bed at a reasonable time, and does not wake up in the night.

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