Saturday, December 04, 2004

167. Haircut!

Diana finally let William get a hair cut. His hair was below his nose, it was getting in his eyes. She was very conflicted, but Virginia said to do it, so she followed Virginia's advice. We went to a cute little place, and they did a good job. Diana cried and cried, and then was angry at me for a while, but she recovered by the time we'd done some shopping at Babies 'R Us. He looks different, and you can see his face. I go to put the hair out of his eyes, but there's none in his eyes. Even with the hair cut, a woman said, "how old is she?" and I had to admit to Diana that it wasn't only the hair that was throwing people off, as I maintained, but that also people are just stupid, which is what she maintained. We went to Red Lobster for lunch, and William fell asleep. We came home, and he's still sleeping. Virginia went out shopping.

Virginia helped us last night. I snuck off to bed, and got a good night sleep. Virginia went to bed, but Diana put him in bed with her, when she went to sleep. I really appreciate the one night of sleep, without worries. Virginia is very kind, and Diana is very kind for not waking me up, because she said William went to bed at 12:30. I got up and read the paper for a while, before everyone woke up, a nice treat. Maybe rested and relaxed, taken care of by Virginia, Diana had the strength to let William get a hair cut today. I really like him with shorter hair.

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