Saturday, December 18, 2004

176. Bread Puke

William just upchucked the bread he was sucking on. He fusses until you give him something, when we're eating. He's very oral, he wants to mash things in his hands, and sample them in his mouth. But maybe he ate too much, or he's not ready yet for bread that way, and he puked it on my sweater.

Virginia slept with William last night. I told Diana to go to bed, and she actually took my offer. Virginia got home from her office party around midnight. William stayed up till 1. Virginia reports William woke up at 5, and drank the bottle, and got a diaper change at 7:30. I picked him up around 9, and gave him to Diana to breast feed.

Last night he was a bit hypomanic in the night. When we first got here, he rolled around a lot, maybe 5 feet in distance. When Virginia got home, he was more clingy, but flappy and vocal. She's impressed by how active and mobile he is.

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