Friday, November 26, 2004

159. Chicago Finally

Our 8:30 flight was delayed till 2:30. So we tried to get onto the 9 o'clock flight. The 10 o'clock flight. The 11 o'clock flight. The 12 o'clock flight. William did not mind so much. We would have gone home, but we put his jacket in the luggage, and that was gone. I did not have my book, so I bought a Hillerman paperback. I took a few naps. Poor Diana did not nap. William seemed to be OK, and did not mind. He was interested in all the people and looking around.

He took the flight well, no problems. He charmed a few women, as usual. The steward would not take the diaper, "I can't" and I got to take it to the trash. I changed him on the changing table in the toilet for his big stinky poop. He slept at take off and landing. He looked out the window some and played.

We got our luggage quickly, bundled up for the cold Chicago weather, and waited to be picked up. Mom and Rich were very glad to see him. Mom got him some outfits. Rich seems to be pretty in tune with him, he notices when he needs a change of venue or is tired.

Thanksgiving dinner was good; my mother is a wonderful cook. My mother gave him a bath. She said, "You guys don't use baby powder?!" She put him into the crawl position, which he did not move from, but held for a while, which I have never seen him do before. My mother seems preposterous at time, but she actually does get some results sometimes. One of my mom's friends came over, and we all chatted, and we doted on William, my little narcissistic projection. Then we went up stairs to watch TV and everyone fell asleep, except me and Rich, and I really wanted to sleep. William ended up sleeping with us. My parents keep it kind of cold, which I remember, but Diana and William are not so used to.

He woke up 3 times in the night. The final time I got up with him, after having a dream with Cliff in Vava, where we were at a party. We let Diana sleep in a little bit. He sucked on a teething biscuit. I got some coffee. Fed him breakfast. My mother thought I spoiled him back always picking him up when he cries. Rich got up and held him for a while. Then Diana got up and fed him and he's fallen asleep.

He likes the light in the dining room. My mother got more biodegradable diapers, and had a basket of foods and whatnot for him. She wants to go to target to get a walker for him.

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