Tuesday, November 09, 2004

148. Scribbles

William is talking in more diverse ways, making more different sounds. He's moving in much more complicated ways. I noticed his hands seem much bigger when I got back, and today I thought his head was bigger. Diana's mom said he took a 2 hour nap and then a 1 hour nap today, more sleep than usual. He cries when I leave the room, after I come home. Diana's mom thinks he's teething. She gave him some infant yogurt to eat, he's getting used to a lot of different new foods.

William woke up at 4, and then at 8. Diana's mom said he was very playful today. When I got home he was feeding, sort of. Really he was putting his food all over his face. I gave him a bath. He's fussy tonight.

William did his first scribbling. He took Diana's pencil and worked it over a sheet of paper. Crude, primitive, but his first work of genius.

I'm sure my lack of time with William is being reflected in these notes. I can hardly write them. Anyway, I celebrate him.

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