Thursday, November 25, 2004

158. Early Morning

I just put 3 pajamas I love into the storage container for Virginia's, because the pajamas are for 6-9 months. He needs at least 12 month, or 12-18 months. Eighteen months fits loose, but he can wear them. Virginia called, the funeral is tomorrow for Diana's mother's father. We leave for Chicago, where it's snowing. Diana said, "William's first snow." William is getting more and more insistent on getting what he wants. He arches his back, and points to his mother. Last night I was very tired, and I was quickly overwhelmed by taking care of him. Diana insists on packing everything and I don't mind. I snapped a little, and Diana sent me to bed. I know karma is not some kind of divine pay back, like something bad happens always because of something else bad, but I had a horrible horrible nightmare, and the alarm went off just after I woke up.

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