Saturday, November 13, 2004

149. Sick

William got a cold. He came down with it Wednesday afternoon, and was really congested. Thursday, he's gone back and forth, there were times when he felt better, but he also needed a lot of holding and cried easily at times. I sneezed once, and he cried. Friday he seemed to rally, but the cold seemed to go down into his chest. We've got a call into our pediatrician, but he seems OK.

William is able to voice his displeasure and try to get when he wants. He arches his back to not get into the car seat. He pushes your hand away, he moves his head, he really just tries to get what he wants.

Friday night I watched William while Diana got out and went to see The Incredibles. She liked it. Virginia was here, she said goodbye to William. She went on vacation to see Costa Rica and Ecuador.

I think I caught William's cold. My throat really hurts. I'm feeling pretty low. I'm tired, I got into an accident, there's trouble in the family, and Diana's grandfather is dying and her mother is going down to Ecuador to say goodbye.

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