Sunday, November 14, 2004

151. Seven Months Old!

William took a nap for a while Sunday afternoon. He woke up and I gave him some lunch. He likes the fruits but not so much the other stuff. William could sit and play at times, and at others he had to be held. Using the aspirator to get snot out is very traumatic for him, he cries a lot. I only do it once in a while.

Doing things with William in your arms can be difficult, but I fixed myself lunch. I gave William a bath. he likes to hold onto the shower sprayer. Abuela came over around 4. She took him over to Alba's. Supposedly William had a good time. He likes Brian and Nicole and especially Jacky. They brought him home, and we lowered the crib because he puts his arms on the side and pulls himself some, but not up or over. He can't sit up unless there's a pillow on his back, so he can't get into that position to pull, and he can't pull himself over, but he's going to be doing that soon. So we lowered it a little bit. Paul, who was over, helped us out a little bit.

William is 7 months old today. Quite the whipper snapper.

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