Tuesday, July 27, 2004

68. What a weekend!

I've been sick all weekend, but William continues to thrive. He's planting his foot, and twisting, about to turn over, he just needs to overcome his arm. He's also looking a lot more and more alertly. He's smiling a lot more, and you can play with him more, to try to get him to smile or keep him from crying to be picked up. He's slept a lot today, sleeping from midnight to 9, with a few wake ups to feed, and then took a 3 hour nap. His hair is so long, but Diana says no way we are cutting it. Everything is getting bigger. In a way, it takes forever for him to change, and in another he's changing so quickly you can hardly keep track of him. It's really quite amazing. I think he is beginning to see Diana as a person, more of a person than before. He much prefers breast feeding now, and if not, then he likes the bottle to have breast milk. He turns away from the bottle after it takes the edge off his hunger, at least this morning. Poor Diana gets exhausted, and my being sick has not helped. We've extended the weekend into Monday and now it's hard to get going on Tuesday. What will it be like when I get a job? It will be a big adjustment. I hope to work though, it will be good for my self esteem. I'm trying to make the most of it, thinking that this is the most precious time. And it is, but I'd rather look back from the vantage point of employment. Oh well, enjoy the moment, right?!

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