Saturday, July 10, 2004

62. Bruiser

Diana has a bruise on her chin from William. We wonder if he's teething, but that's early for an boy 4 days from 3 months. He hasn't really done anything new I can advertise to my parents, but he seems to be following with his eyes more, pushing off on the ground stronger, and he likes to vocalize a lot, which is cute, and makes me think he might be a good communicator. I hope so.

Yesterday Paul came over, and we worked out, went to the pool, had a BBQ and watched the Mets game and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Paquita and Jimmy continue to provide key assistance with William. I really wish I could take him into the pool. Soon, though.

Diana came downstairs and plopped William on me, "if you're not eating, then hold him so I can." Of course, always a pleasure. Hamburgers earlier were not enough, they had to have lentils and rice with their meal.

Virginia was so tired, Diana would not let her take William. William woke up at 2, 4, and 6. But she got her nap later.

I called my parents. They missed only getting photos of the day on Tuesday and Wednesday.

We were talking to the neighbor. She's selling her place, and we have not seen the guy around. Turns out he died in April, at age 31, of heart disease. She's 26. You can go at any time, I really believe it. I'd like to at least make it to seeing William off to college, but it's always going to be hard to leave him.

William took a 3 hour nap. He woke up dopey, ate, and then wiggled on the ground for a while with me. Then Diana took him up and he talked a little bit.

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