Friday, July 23, 2004

67. What a week!

Diana took an intensive class that lasted a week. Compounding the difficulty was that I had a cold. So like Wednesday when William would not sleep without being held, I almost lost it. But I kept it together, and I've come through to the other end. It is Friday and Diana was up all night writing a paper. She got 2 hours sleep, and she's presenting her pages in class today. I am tired too, still sick, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Tomorrow we're at Virginia's and I can rest. It was not easy to be woken up out of my Nyquil haze, to take care of William at 3 in the morning. I thought I woke up, but Diana reports she hit me.

To watch William grow up day by day is amazing. He scratches his face one day, and the next day the scratch has healed. He's growing and growing. Right now his thing is to talk in a kind of call and response, with his baby jabber. It's really quite cute. He says his peice, then I say something and then he says something. He could do that for a long time, and Diana does it a lot with him.

Most days I didn't get into formula until later, and some days he did not drink any formula. I'm proud he's not had much formula. Diana is doing a really good job of feeding him. Even writing her paper, she took breaks to feed him. She's a trooper.

William likes to watch TV. I've been watching Le Tour de France, which I love. He sits up and watches it with me, not fussing. My right arm is sore, I hold him mostly with that one. Looks like Lance Armstrong will win his record 6 tour. I wonder if he's taking an undetectable biological drug. I hope William never cheats in sports like all these professional athelets are.

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