Sunday, July 18, 2004

65. First Cold

Diana was worried, William was all stuffed up. So we called the doctor and he said come in. William weighs 18lbs, 8oz, gaining 3 lbs in a month. He just has a cold, there's nothing you can do. We can use a decongestant if it gets really bad, and he can't breath while eating, but the doctor mostly recommended not doing anything.

I asked about going in the pool. He said pools are where lots of germs are, so it's best to avoid pools this year, next year.

We asked about constipation. He said just put a thermometer there to remind the muscles what to do, come in on the 4th day if there's a problem. He should not drink water to "stimulate" him, it would effect his electrolyte balance, but he could drink 1-2 oz of anisette tea.

I asked if he's "over weight". The doctor said it's not possible, if he's not eating hard food. I said, "he can't eat hard food for a while yet, right?" The doctor said yes, but that some people feed their babies earlier.

We went to the hospital to see 1 day old Nicole Makai, William's cousin, that was born 3 months after him. He's so light, and cute. We could not take the baby in, so I talked to people who thought he was cute outside. They said he's very cute, they could tell he's breast fed. The social workers don't like to shame mothers who don't breast feed, but it's better. I asked if they had any jobs, and while it's not really what I want to do, might be interesting for a little while, I got the number to call. Babies are really cute. Nicole is so tiny. Jacky was saying, "isn't she big?!" But I just had held William who is 10 lbs heavier. They're matching them up, but Diana says no cousins can date. I saw an article in the Times that even second cousins are not as bad as they thought it was, really it's OK genetically, but Diana does not care. To get me back for teasing her, she said William is going to be a Catholic Priest. I said it's OK if he's a Buddhist Priest.

Alexandra was going to baby sit William for us tonight, Diana and I are going to see a movie! Our first movie out since he's born. But Diana wanted to stay with William while he was vulnerable.

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