Wednesday, October 19, 2005

335. Diana's Grace

I left before William woke up on Monday. He was happy to see me when I came home from work. I took him to the park. No kids were there, rather only adolescents were there. We found a ball though, which William liked.

Tuesday Diana and Abuela gave Andrew a bath. He's got the crazy hair to prove it. I spent a lot of time with Andrew that night, I felt more bonded to him after that. Diana went out food shopping and I fed him a bottle and he did not throw up. I spent a lot of time with him in my arms. He's a sweety.

Wednesday William threw a tantrum because Diana would not let him drink the hot dog juice.

Natasia spent the day with Emma and William because she twisted her ankle. Then Angie went to the emergency room with a rash, so she dropped off AJ and Venus. Diana handled it well, I was not so graceful.

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