Monday, October 10, 2005

330. Indigenous Peoples Day

Saturday morning, I played with William a little bit before I went off to meet with my friends in Bay Ridge. I spent a lot of time there, and did not see William until the late afternoon. Then we went to Jacky's baby shower, which turned out to be an adult party with children and presents for the son in her very large belly. William got to play with some kids, but he also got his hand caught in a door, which greatly upset us. I told Zsolt having two little children is easy. Jacky has scheduled her c-section, she doesn't want to try for a V-Bac. Jacky is going to have a son and they're naming him Christian.

I'm not sure where the next child is coming from after that. Maybe Harry will make sergeant and Angie will want another one. My Buddhist friends suggest I get fixed, and Virginia said, "strap one on," indicating she thought we should wait. I go back and forth, and unfortunately give Diana mixed messages at time. I guess I'm torn between 2 and 3 really. A woman at work has 10, and another there has 9. The woman who has 10 is always talking about limits. Here's a limit for you, don't have twelve. I don't say that to her though, it's just a joke. She's really good at figuring out the heart of a problem, asses what she can do, and does it quickly. It's really quite amazing to watch. My grandma says my cousin Benjamin is shopping for a ring, so maybe he's going to get married soon, maybe he will have children. Or Morris could have another one. My friend Bill and his wife Suzanne are due any minute. I want to call him, Paul gave me their new number.

It took us a long time to get home in the rain that night, and William was asleep when we got home. He woke up a lot in the night, and Virginia gave him to me, while I was meditating. She's so generous. She was apologetic for interrupting my meditation, but it was as long as I've been able to meditate recently.

Sunday I went into the city and met Bart at the Ruben Museum of Himalayan Art. Bart says Charles knows Mr. Ruben. He was impressed with the artwork and Buddhism. Faye's daughter is taking a Buddhism class, and she's really grooving to read the stuff, that her mother practices. I wonder if Bart will every have the time to study some Buddhism. Anyway, it was free, they were having some promotion in NYC, "open house NYC" or something like that so it was free. I ran into Vajramti and Barbara. William took a shine to Barbara after a while, she was very sweet with him. Her son has just gone off to Syracuse, near by where Bart goes to school at Cornell.

Bart suggested a Cuban place, and we had some lunch. I got to see where Charles lives, and the boys, and I met Bart's girlfriend, Leah. She seems sweet and intelligent. William was shocked by a loud bark from Etta, and cried, but otherwise he was OK there. He hugged Leah, which was sweet. William is a real flirt and a lady's man.

William slept on the way into Manhattan and on the way back. He napped a little when we got to Gigi's, and woke up clapping, which I thought was cut and funny. By the time Diana et al came home, I was pretty tired, but I lugged the stuff Virginia is graciously letting us store up to our room, and into the basement. My back is killing me today, and every time I pick up William it pains me.

William like to walk on the pool table. Gigi really has a sweet house, inviting to youngesters. My bicepts are sore, and my back is out. But I've gotten some good sleep while here (crazy dreams too, I should have written them down). Natasia is playing with him now, giving me time to write. Last night Diana said, "you got exhausted with only one?!" I guess she takes 2 sometimes, and is very exhausted. I hope to let her get some sleep time today.

I've been so chatty since Andrew was born. I talked to, or called so many people over the weekend. I love unlimited calling on weekends.

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