Thursday, October 13, 2005

332. Groundhog day

Emma came over William fell asleep Wednesday night. Emma plays by herself pretty well. She's into the baby. She keeps saying "baby". Angie picked up Emma eventually. She had to change her shift because Harry went off for a week of training. I fell asleep when it got late. Diana ended up staying up till 3.

Thursday I took William out into the rain. It's not as fun if you've got the rain thing over the stroller, it cuts down the visibility. William fought me every time I put him back into the stroller. I got Indian food for me, and pizza for Diana.

Diana's mom brought Emma back. Groundhog day here with the rain and the children.

Bill's Suzanne is 4cm dilated and 70% effaced, getting close to pop.

I ordered some more DVDs.

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