Saturday, May 28, 2005

263. Metro Card

Diana reports William gets a metro card, and waits by the door. He likes to go traveling. He likes to hold onto the pole on the subway. He always wants to go out.

Diana slept from 6:30pm to 5am with a few wake ups. William then slept from 7-9 she says. A hard night for her anyway. She says her back hurts, she slept on it wrong, or else the baby is getting heavier. I had William from like 7 till 10 in my arms watching Pedro pitch a really good game. He woke up at 5, talking and jabbering away. Diana got up with him.

I gave him a bath. I used the shower thing down, and he was mixed up by that. He's so cute, I just want to kiss and kiss him. I didn't think I'd have this wild affection I feel for him, it's a bit of a surprise to me. I did not know it would be so strong.

I took him to the park. I quite enjoy the park, though it is labor intensive, because he requires assistance walking around. I can talk to the others there, and today I watched some little league. The parents were really overboard on one team, and it got pretty out of hand, like they could shout their sons into beating the other team. Seemed pretty barbaric and aggressive, and wrong. I talked to one mother who had a child who was 2. She said he was not interested in potty training yet. He wore a hat and was shy about me. William walks up to people and looks at them. He was a little fresh with one little girl, touching her legs.

They're going to a special mass. I went to New Jersey to pick up my glasses and have my second eye appointment. I finally spent a $50 gift certificate at Barnes and Noble. Now I'm out here all alone till they get here, and I miss them. Diana says, "take a nap!" I guess I will. I miss Diana and William.

We thought William was teething when he had a fever the other day, but a tooth never pushed through. He's putting everything in his mouth again, and when he's fussy we say he's teething, but we're not sure.

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