Saturday, May 14, 2005

255. Big Naps

William had another rough night Thursday night. We're both exhausted after this week, and Diana kept William over at her mother's and I got a 3 hour nap. I was going to get together with Paul, but sleep was available. Diana came home and passed out at 9. William was in bed by 11. But he woke at 11:30, and Diana got up too. She was with him most of the night, assisted by me when I woke up. She slept 4 hours in the afternoon to make up the time. William took a long nap, first in my arms, and then in the crib.

Bacha is here from Ecuador. AJ, Emma, Abuelo and Abuela came over with her. I took some snaps of Emma and William. AJ kept jumping into the photos.

Sixty four kinds of tired, and many things to do. Two tiles in the bathroom fell off when I took the toy off the wall. There's clothes to put away. I could go on and on.

I turn 38 on Monday. Supposedly children born to parents older than 30 do better in school.

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