Tuesday, May 31, 2005

264. Memorial Day

William was surrounded by family and kids. Only one was younger, and she could not walk without help: Nicole. He played with Emma, AJ, Robyn, Natasia, Joseph and Venus, but mostly he was watching. I played with them some. I took a million photos.

Robyn bumped him and his nose bled. He had the scratch from Etta the dog, the split lip from earlier. He would look like a prize fighter if he did not heal so fast. Diana feels like it's a judgment on her that he has so many little injuries, but I think it's good, he mixes it up, he's not afraid. He bounces back quickly. The doctor called him a tough guy. He's not afraid of dogs, he's wary but curious. He wants to master the situation, and I'm sure he will.

William picked up a metro card when I put on my shoes, so I took him to the grocery store to buy some milk.

Monday night William woke up 3 times, and then finally getting up at 6:30. One day off, Memorial Day, and his whole routine is shot.

He climbs on the chair we bought him, more than he sits on it. He scares us.

In the background, he's grunting away as he sucks down the milk.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

263. Metro Card

Diana reports William gets a metro card, and waits by the door. He likes to go traveling. He likes to hold onto the pole on the subway. He always wants to go out.

Diana slept from 6:30pm to 5am with a few wake ups. William then slept from 7-9 she says. A hard night for her anyway. She says her back hurts, she slept on it wrong, or else the baby is getting heavier. I had William from like 7 till 10 in my arms watching Pedro pitch a really good game. He woke up at 5, talking and jabbering away. Diana got up with him.

I gave him a bath. I used the shower thing down, and he was mixed up by that. He's so cute, I just want to kiss and kiss him. I didn't think I'd have this wild affection I feel for him, it's a bit of a surprise to me. I did not know it would be so strong.

I took him to the park. I quite enjoy the park, though it is labor intensive, because he requires assistance walking around. I can talk to the others there, and today I watched some little league. The parents were really overboard on one team, and it got pretty out of hand, like they could shout their sons into beating the other team. Seemed pretty barbaric and aggressive, and wrong. I talked to one mother who had a child who was 2. She said he was not interested in potty training yet. He wore a hat and was shy about me. William walks up to people and looks at them. He was a little fresh with one little girl, touching her legs.

They're going to a special mass. I went to New Jersey to pick up my glasses and have my second eye appointment. I finally spent a $50 gift certificate at Barnes and Noble. Now I'm out here all alone till they get here, and I miss them. Diana says, "take a nap!" I guess I will. I miss Diana and William.

We thought William was teething when he had a fever the other day, but a tooth never pushed through. He's putting everything in his mouth again, and when he's fussy we say he's teething, but we're not sure.

Friday, May 27, 2005

262. Will and Bart

Will and Bart graduate from high school next month. I have my 20th high school reunion this summer. I don't think I'll go, my friends are not going, and I had friends through out the grades, not just in my class, so I don't like class reunions so much. But time flies. It was not long ago, Will and Bart were wailing babies. It was not long ago that I was living with those toddlers. It was not long ago they were playing soccer and baseball, running around like the cute little guys that they were. Their faces seem different, they're growing up. I wish them well in college. There will always be a special place in my heart for them. I tease them now, because I just like to get their attention. I remember when they wanted my attention. Now they're calling me a fat lesbian, the way I look in one of their digital camera photos.

I know in the blink of an eye my William and number 2 will be going off to college. Seems like forever, especially when I don't have any sleep. Diana gets even less sleep, I'm not sure how she does it, except every once in a while, she seems to have a bit of a melt down, where I am not in tune enough with her, which I regret, like tonight. They're both sleeping now.

William split his lip yesterday bashing into something. And then at Di's Etta jumped up on him when she came in from her walk, and scratched near his eye. Abuela said this morning that nothing like that would happen under her watch. Diana feels bad, which is silly, she's a great mother, she gives it her all.

William has 2 great aunts in town, Bacha and now Magali. He went right to Magali at the airport, she looks like Abuela.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

261. Bacha

William seems to sleep later when it rains. Monday he woke at 4:30am. Tuesday he woke at 2:30am. Last night he slept through the night, but when I got up, his pajamas were off, so maybe he woke with Diana. He went to bed late.

Monday William kept bringing me books to read to him.

Abuela was sick Monday. She's OK now. Bacha is here visiting from Ecuador, and Diana reports he's gotten used to Bacha.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

260. Family Dinner

William fell asleep in the mall, and slept in the car. When he got home, he was a bit groggy. He likes to go up and down stairs, but requires supervision, of course. He really likes the train his mother gave him, be schlepps that up the stairs with him too. He can go from the basement to the second floor at Gigi's with minimal assistance. He mostly wants reassurance.

We had a lovely (to me) family dinner around the table, with William in his new booster seat. Natasia and Robyn flag after a while, but it was a nice dinner I thought. There was a recent article in the Times about the importance of family meals together at one table, no TV. I like it.

I went to bed early, and William eventually came with Diana. He was not asleep, but Diana laid him down between us and he was quickly asleep. He's so excited by these girls, but he's also very tired. He soaks up as much as he can. He slept from midnight to 9, without waking up. Some good sleep for us.

Virginia is driving Aida to the Bronx and Robyn and William went along for the ride. Diana is doing laundry. I'm going to continue to read my bio of Freud and look forward to William's return.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

259. Fearless

William climbed Virginia's stairs, 14 steps. He had a little side tracks where he received some support, but all his forward and upward progress was on his own.

Last night, Aida and Virginia took care of William, while we slept. Virginia and Robyn slept with him.

Thursday he was running around naked, and pooped on the floor. Diana thought it was hilarious. The way she tells it, it's funny, with her laughing as well. I somehow did not find it so funny, which is also funny to her.

Friday morning he slept till 8, which was wonderful.

He loves Natasia and Robyn. He loves running around with them.

Monday, May 16, 2005

258. Fell asleep on me

William went to bed around 9:15, and slept till 6:30 Monday morning. Diana put him on bed with me, and he proceeded to cry, until after a while after she left. The attachment torture of the departure of your primary object, played out on number two or three. I thought I was number two, but when I took him over to his Abuela's house at 11, he was not too fussed to say goodbye to me, he wanted to play with the magnets on the fridge.

Last night while Diana cooked, William was in his high chair, eating peas and carrots. He loves to play with them, and occasionally he eats some, which we encourage.

Abuela dropped William off, and he was happy to see me, not too fussed to see Abuela go. He wandered around our place, playing with toys and whatnot. I read to him some. His favorite book now is I'm So Noisy which is illustrated by Stephen Cartwright. I played classical music for a little while. I put on a video Baby Songs, which has a bunch of children doing what the songs say, around the A B C's, colors, shapes, and whatnot. I fed him some soup that Abuela brought over. He ate really well. Then I put on Baraka. He fell asleep on me.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

257. Doctor visit

We couldn't give him a bath after puking because there was no hot water. But then the water came on and I gave him a bath. He had a rash on him. He fell asleep, and Diana clipped his nails.

The doctor says the rash is not serious, or contagious. Maybe benadryle will work to reduce the red blotches. Also not taking a hot soaking bath, like the one I gave him before we went. He has roseola, most likely. The waiting room was interesting, until a wailing child came in.

We went to Babies 'R Us. Boy, I should buy some stock in that parent company. We got him a little chair, some toys, some books by one of his favorite authors (Eric Carle), and of course bulk diapers and whipies.

Ever since William has been born, I have had to flush out my left ear of wax, every few months.

256. el pechera

Aida and Natasia came over Saturday night. Aida's string is off. Josephine, Diana and Virginia still have the string still on. Natasia has lip gloss on! She's only 7! Aida hasn't seen William in a month. Natasia makes him laugh. Aida got us diapers, saving me the trip for a day.

Then Steven and Aminta came over. They live above us. I saw them at the park today, I guess Aminta thought of Diana and wanted to stop by.

Aminta, who is from El Salvador, told me about el pechera. That is when the man gets the symptoms of pregnancy. I don't really get that, though I guess I felt ill from exhaustion and fear during the first pregnancy.

William finally slept through the night, but when I fed him milk in the morning, he puked it up.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

255. Big Naps

William had another rough night Thursday night. We're both exhausted after this week, and Diana kept William over at her mother's and I got a 3 hour nap. I was going to get together with Paul, but sleep was available. Diana came home and passed out at 9. William was in bed by 11. But he woke at 11:30, and Diana got up too. She was with him most of the night, assisted by me when I woke up. She slept 4 hours in the afternoon to make up the time. William took a long nap, first in my arms, and then in the crib.

Bacha is here from Ecuador. AJ, Emma, Abuelo and Abuela came over with her. I took some snaps of Emma and William. AJ kept jumping into the photos.

Sixty four kinds of tired, and many things to do. Two tiles in the bathroom fell off when I took the toy off the wall. There's clothes to put away. I could go on and on.

I turn 38 on Monday. Supposedly children born to parents older than 30 do better in school.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

254. Number 6?

William got very upset, crying. He wasn't hungry, his diaper was clean. He felt hot. Seems to be another tooth pushing through, his body reacting like it's a infection.

He had a rough night. He was extra clingy in the morning. Ice seems to soothe him. A little Sesame Street also helps. I can handle his crying when I know why, but it's still hard. I hate it when he is in pain.

We're leaning towards Andrew Wyatt Bell at the moment, for Deuce. It's a long way off. Diana likes Henry, but I don't. Feels too Plain Jane to me (my apologies to all the Henrys out there, I'm sure it works for you.) I like Alcabiades or Ananada or Mogallana or other Buddhist or Ancient Greek names, but she thinks they're too weird.

Yesterday on Gilmore Girls Sooky's husband Jackson was ordered to get a vasectomy after she gave birth by her. Yikes. I suppose I'll have to get one, but it's really hard to wrap the old mind around that somehow.

It's Abuela and Abuelo's birthday today! Happy birthday!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

253. It's a boy!

22 messages of congratulations by e-mail. Diana decided she would find out the sex. It's going to be a boy! William is going to have a little brother.

He got a hair cut to celebrate. His hair was in his eyes. This is the shortest cut so far. His hair stands up on top. He looks a little like my mom.

William likes to look between his legs. He likes puppets more these days, he brings me Luchito to wear and play with. He laughs at peek-a-boo with the puppet. He still loves ice and cold things. He keeps leading me into the kitchen to get things. I give him a frozen bagel, which he doesn't just chew on, but also eats.

Yesterday he didn't want to put a diaper on. So I put him in the crib. I felt a little mean, like I was engaging in a power struggle with him, subduing his will, to get my way.

Last night, Diana dropped him off to go out and celebrate mother's day with Aida who didn't make it to New Jersey on Sunday. William kept bringing me into the kitchen and then asking me to lift him up. I gave him ice, I gave him a popcycle, a frozen bagel, a frozen teething ring. Finally he fell asleep around 9 and slept through the night. He got up with Diana though.

He's been crying less when we go to Abuela's. He also is giving sweet goodbyes. He's a sweety pie.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

252. Mother's Day

I gave Diana a card, that in some ways began to express my appreciation for her, and a locket and necklace, so she can put pictures of William and Duece, when he or she comes along. I hope she likes it all. Zane and Bridget sent some flowers.

I called down to North Carolina to talk to my mother, but she's gone already. I'll call her in Chicago tonight.

Diana and William are sleeping. He went to bed earlier last night. Having Brian, who is excellent with William, makes him stay up later. He stayed up very late Friday night. I had a big nap yesterday. Diana prefers sleeping late, and so she went back to bed. William fell asleep a little later, and V put him in bed with her. They've been snoozing for a while.

William crawled up into the dishwasher. He pushed the tray in and closed it up. Then when it was open later, he crawled onto it. He's a very curious fellow, and as yet fearless. He walks to the stairs and either does not care, or assumes I will be behind him, which is a good assumption, because hitherto someone has been behind him.

I gave him bread with butter on it for breakfast, and he's been drinking a lot of milk. He drank so much last night, that we woke up around 3:30 and he was wet, his size 6 diapers had overflown.

Anyway, I think Diana is a wonderful mother. She is creative, energetic, committed and focused, joyful and merry, sensitive and strict, which ever is appropriate. She's the natural I thought she would be. William is lucky to be primarily attached to her.

Friday, May 06, 2005

251. String broke

Diana's sonogram and check up went well. She's beginning to feel the baby kick. She's beginning to show. She likes this part. The puking is over, and she's not so heavy.

Abuela looked after all the kids today, and William didn't nap or eat much, he was too excited. He took a long nap in the evening. And he woke up at 5:30. I took care of him after Diana got a bottle and I woke up. He went back to bed around 6:30 and slept till 8.

Vava's Jyoty string broke, from the naming ceremony. I think it's Josephine, Virginia, Aida and Diana left.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

250. Routine

William slept over at his abuela's Sunday night. She's very kind to let us rest some.

William doesn't swing his harms with his walk yet. He has learned how to walk over the lip of doorways, New Mexico presented some new ones. He sets things down now, he doesn't always drop them.

William is very trusting of people. He would go up to strangers at the airport.

William was happy to see me when I came home from work. Tuesday night he was asleep. He disliked going back to the week day routine on Tuesday morning. He was more fussy. He cried when I changed the channel to a sports channel when Sesame Street was over, before the other one began. As I put him into the car, I said, "we'll always have New Mexico."

We're using sippy cups now. He drinks water. In New Mexico he ate lots of new foods for the first time, soy products.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

249. More

William made a quick mess of the place, with all his toys over the place. He hit the living-room, then the numbers and letters in his room, then the kitchen, then the dining room, bringing out the punch cups.

William went swimming for the first time in a swimming pool. He held on, but he was in a regular swimming pool. He dunked himself, and didn't like it.

William and Diana went to Mexico for the first time. They serenaded him with "Cielito Lindo". I got a good picture of the mariachi men. I got a little squiffy on margueritas. We bought gifts for family.

The last night, Wes got out the telescope. He showed us Jupiter, Saturn, the Orion Nebula, some star clusters, binary stars, that were doubly binary. Quite good stuff. And that was not with his big one, in the tower he created. He's still got to load up some software for that one, and do some more work to get it ready, but he gave me the tour. The tour is quite amazing, with the solar cells, the heat transfer, the tank, all the pool stuff. Quite a technological place, and environmentally friendly.

Unfortunately William was not able to go on hikes with Di and I. We had 2 lovely hikes and saw some good stuff.

248. Home

When William got home, it was like he was trying to play with all his toys at once. We got home before 7. Saw the sunset and sunrise in New Mexico, and then we're in New York City. William fell asleep on the first flight, after a bit of a fight, while we waited for permission to take off. On the second flight, he was awake, and fought me very hard to get into the isle. I've never had to restrain him like that. Once we were more in the air, I let him walk, and Diana walked around with him. Later he had a bit of a hissy fit, and then fell asleep. He woke up when we landed, and Diana's father picked us up, and took us home. I'm just catching up at home. Virginia, bless her, came over, and cleaned up a lot! So nice to come home to a clean home. Just looked at the photos. They look great. I'm going to upload them to snapfish. E-mail me if you didn't get the invite to see them, and you want to. We're home! It was a good vacation, and good to be home.