Sunday, April 10, 2005

237. Teething.

Aida's birthday party was nice. William made a total mess of my black rice, and he was chewing on a lot of ice. He came home and fell asleep in the car, and stayed asleep afterwards, which is pretty rare. He needed a little finessing.

He woke up at 4:30 and went back to bed at 5. He woke up before 7, and because everyone is sleeping, I took him outside. He wanted to leave his room, wouldn't take no for an answer. So I took him to the park, where the sun had nor even arisen yet. He walked around with a metro card in his hands. Then he dropped it and picked up a bum wrapper. I got rid of the fallen lollypop and prevented other things from going into his mouth.

When it passed 8, I went to the bagel store, and got a deliciously warm bagel and coffee. William disorganized a candy display. We went to another park, and he enjoyed the soft underbelly of the bagel. We walked around, but when he went for some dirty trash, I took him home. I got home after 9, and collapsed into a chair. Mercifully William drank some juice and fell asleep. I fell asleep around 9:30, and slept till 2:30. Yikes I was tired. A single martini and my work week exhaustion, etc. I did take a nap after getting up at 5 yesterday, so I can't make a total sob story.

They went out, and William cried the whole time. He's teething. The ice last night, should have been a tip off. So it's going to be a rough few weeks I think, till he cuts the tooth, or teeth. I put the teethers in the freezer, put some bagels to be frozen, and we have popsicles. He's sleeping now. Wore himself out crying.

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