Saturday, April 09, 2005

236. Zane Arrives

William puked sick smelling milk all over me. Poor guy. But he was fine quickly, continuing to play. I had to take a shower.

Diana's mother bought slippers for her stay in the hospital.

William took a nap and recovered from the puking incident. Actually, he recovered very quickly, he was playing immediately after he was washed up.

When I lay in the room trying to read, he comes in. He wants to upset my little iPod stereo system, my pens, the watch around the lamp. So I sing him a silly song to distract him. He likes music, I didn't know I was so musical.

I've been clearing the sink of the weeks dishes. He grabbed onto my legs, pleaded with me to lift him up. He took bags out of the bag bag. He played with magnets. He disorganizes the container shelves. Diana tries to organize the house. William comes behind her and tries to enforce chaos.

Zane came in today around 6am. I missed him walking by, but he found me. William was just waking up when we came in, and got to walk around and watch some Sesame Street. We went out to brunch and William destroyed the table, tipping over 2 glasses of water, throwing his pancakes everywhere.

Then we went to Cunningham Park. It was wonderful. He's not so much into running around, but I think he will come to like it more. And he was outside with a lot of children, watching them. He played some. We went on walks. He seems very social. I think he might be an extrovert like Diana, instead of an introvert like me. With me, he walked out onto the grass and befriended an African-American woman who was reading. She was very nice. Zane was with him mostly. He's got a lot of energy for William. He seems to really adore him. Paul (The Godfather) came over to the park and hung out with us for a little while. Poor Zane is very tired now. William fell asleep in the car. Diana is taking a shower, we're going out to dinner, to celebrate Aida's birthday.

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