Friday, January 28, 2005

202. Third Tooth!

William is cutting his 3rd tooth, an upper one. Thursday morning Diana went to get William and he was already standing in his crib, that's the first time for that. Last night, William just wanted to walk around and around. He goes into his room and pulls all the books and makes a big mess. He ripped a page, and I brought him out and gave him a plane piece of paper to rip. Later I gave him one of the books that are not new nice ones, a weird one we somehow have, so he could rip that one, and he did not rip it. He goes to the bedroom and plays with the knobs on the drawers. He goes into the kitchen and grabs a magnet off the fridge, puts it in his mouth. I've got to wash some, they've almost all fallen on the floor and then we put them in a bowl to be washed. Diana got a balloon and he plays with that. He falls down sometimes, gives three sobs and then he's wiggling to get down. He can walk around in the living room. He get to the end, where there are no hand holds, and he turns to me, and holds his hand up, "come on daddy."

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